Monday, December 28, 2009

Learning to Blog and Get Paid for it

During the holidays with the extra time I have had on my hands I have begin to start reading about blogging using Google and how you can actually earn money through ads to do it. I am fairly new to blogging so on my end it was a lot to read but it was fairly easy with lots of explanations but it does get kind of complicated if you have never done it before.
Google does a very good job trying to explain everything and have help for any issues. I usually just read Blogs when there is something I see that is interesting. But one day Damond Nollan posted a link to another Blog that talked about making money blogging through different types of adds. Also he took the time out to figure out how you could Blog full time and quit your day job. He broke down how many people would need to click on the adds, He explained the different types of adds and different way
As you can see this obviously interested me because this is a way to make side money without the risk of a start up costs that most opportunities have. It also to me is not really work its just like a diary for something or talking about something that you think is interesting that you think people haven't really about from your point of view.
I always thought that there once somebody posted a Blog on a topic there was no point in me talking about it because that would just be repetitive. I didn't understand that everybody isn't connected with everybody and that there is always a potential new audience that I can reach and begin to get them into this other world of social media outside of Facebook and Twitter. So now I will start my journey to reach a potential new crowd and let them into my world as I see it From technology to sports maybe even music and entertainment and politics.

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